Earlier this year I jumped on the NFT train. As a beginner in the space I felt a bit overwhelmed. My technical background helped, but I usually learn best by doing so I'm sharing a video of the mind process for and NFT from the You* collection by MyBff.
Always always always use official links - directly from the twitter bio of the project, or from the official links in the project discord. Do not click on links from private messages.
- If the mint site is up earlier than the actual mint go-live, link your MetaMask to save you a bit of time when they make the nfts available. (It's generally good practice to revoke any privileges after you've completed the mint- you never know when someone's site might get hacked)
- Make sure you have extra coin on hand for gas fees. You must pay to have each transaction written to the blockchain.
- Be patient while waiting for your transaction to get processed. If its a popular mint, there might be a gas war and if you don't have enough extra coin in your wallet you might not be able to score an NFT.
- Verify your transaction on Etherscan
There is no sound on the video... sorry 😔
*No affiliation to this guy ⤵️